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On the 08th of December of the year 2004 at the headquarters in Carpi (MO)   via O: Morgari n. 32, the undersigned gentlemen:

1) BOTTI Ruggero 


3) CRYSTALS Feliciana Antonietta 

4) CIGARINI Werter 

5) MALAGUTI  Marino 

6) MERIGHI Giuliano 


8) ROTA Agostino 


they met in assembly with the will to set up a voluntary association of  pursuant to law 11.8.1991 n. 266 called "FREE AFRICA".

The association has no  for profit, even indirect, and operates exclusively for purposes of social solidarity.

The voluntary organization proposes, as an active part of the associations  Italian solidarity, to operate, with the help of personal, voluntary and free services of the members, for the diffusion of solidarity, cooperation and peace with the intent  to concretely help, with humanitarian aid, the disadvantaged populations of the various  Countries in need of help, with particular reference to African countries.

The association will be able to organize marginal commercial activities   for the achievement of the  institutional and self-financing purposes.

It is governed by the attached statute which determines  the democratic nature of the organization, the free services of the members  and the elective offices, the criteria for admission and exclusion of the members as well as their obligations and rights.

Full voting rights are guaranteed to all associates or adherents, in particular for the appointment of management bodies, for statutory changes and for the eventual dissolution of the association.

The right of active electorate is also provided for all members or adherents and, for adults, also passive electorate. Temporary participations  in the associative relationship are not allowed.

Furthermore  compulsory training is set  of the annual financial statements (final and budget) in analytical form and the methods of approval of the same waves  guarantee participation and democracy.

Membership of the association is also free as regards the membership fee . association and it is forbidden to distribute, in any way, profits  or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital. Dues or contributions are not


The board of directors of the association is provisionally thus constituted pending the  appointment or ratification at the next general assembly of the associates or adherents:  

Mr. MALAGUTI MARINO (chairman);

Mr. CIGARINI WERTER (vice president);

Mr. ZANZANELLI IRVANO (administrative secretary).

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