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Populations and Resources: The new face of the world (first meeting)
Populations and Resources: The new face of the world (second meeting)
Full video of the lecture given by Professor Cornia on February 16, 2022, "POPULATIONS OF THE WORLD: ELEMENTS AND TRENDS OF CONTEMPORARY DEMOGRAPHY".
Full video of the lecture given by Professor Cornia on February 23, 2022, "RESOURCES AND RICHES OF THE WORLD: A SHORT STORY OF A LONG WAY".
Volo Project
Africa Libera was among the first associations to join the Volo project. This is promoted by the Modena Volunteer Service Center and the Casa del Volontariato Foundation was created with the aim of encouraging the meeting between the Third sector and the younger generations, also stimulating girls and boys to a culture of solidarity and social commitment.
In particular, Free Africa works in secondary schools in the territory of the Terre d'Argine Union.
Solidarity Workshops Project - Middle Schools
Africa Libera together with other associations involves pupils attending lower secondary schools (Focherini, Fassi, Alberto Pio and Da Vinci) in the workshops of the Officine della Solidarity in order to stimulate reflections on the world of solidarity, overcome any prejudices and stereotypes regarding volunteering and building solidarity paths shared with the school.
Course for volunteers of the Modena Cooperation
Free Africa and its volunteers present the projects developed over the years to the students of the course for volunteers of the International Cooperation organized by the Municipality of Modena thanks to the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Modena Foundation, in collaboration with the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Province of Modena, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Overseas NGOs, CIPSI Solidarity and Cooperation, CSV Modena Association and the Modena Association of International Cooperation Boards, and with the patronage of ANCI and the National Coordination of Local Bodies for Peace.
A notebook for Africa
"The Culture of the Other runs on the web"
Modena Call World
It is one of the first projects of Free Africa and consists in making the pupils of the schools of the four municipalities of the Terre d'Argine Union aware of the problems of their peers in African schools and to help them together by sending them school materials.
Through this project Africa Libera has established a twinning between the high schools of Carpi and the schools of Nkoranza and Busunya in Ghana with the aim of starting a path of knowledge and cultural exchange between the schools.
Africa Libera participates in Modena calls the world, which is a project inserted in the context of the Italian strategy for education for global citizenship and the United Nations 2030 Agenda, with the aim of stimulating exchange and reflection in a informal, positive and constructive atmosphere.
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